If you are like me, youve played games like Clash of Clans and got bored by the lack of any real gameplay. Incorruptibles crosses this barrier by actually providing a pretty fun RTS style gameplay in the familiar kingdom building/timer/gem game world.
Having said that, the timers and boring player raiding/defense building gameplay wears thin quickly. PVE encounters are pretty fun but those are limited and for most part cannot be re-played as you run into a timerwall/paywall within a few hours of play. At which point all that is left to do is raid players (boring), get raided for all the gold you need to progress (inevitable), play farmville (boring), and constantly deal with a full inventory.
PVP is currently VERY imbalanced, heavily favoring the attacking player. Setting up your defenses is a sad futile effort, and becomes even more annoying when you have to re-deploy your mercenary troops twice a day. Even then, as you get further along you need specific heroes to defend, which you probably dont have yet. Re-deploying mercenaries in EVERY stronghold becomes a huge hassle. Especially since you know it doesnt even help, almost all attacks are successful.
But what about the loot? Its the worst. You need specific items to progress your heroes, which for a long while is common and uncommon crafted items (grey and green). However you will likely be finding blue, purple, and even an orange or two, which seems pretty rad! Except you cant use any of that, it will just sit in your inventory and youll probably "protect" it forever, never actually getting to use it. When I get raided for a purple, Im actually a little relieved, that will save some space for greens and blues I actually need.
There is no live multiplayer, which would be awesome in this game as it has the solid base of a great RTS game, and there is no concept of friends, let alone attacking your friends. Everyone is random.
Slowjams about The Incorruptibles - Knights of the Realm